Nomination Log-In:

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Click here.

Begin your nomination to have a Nominations Access Code emailed to you and your nominee.

Returning nominees may use a prior year's Access Code to begin a new nomination populated with their previously inputted information for editing.

Begin Your Nomination

In order to be considered for the Competition, all nomination materials and supporting documents must be received prior to the 5:00 PM (PST) May 30, 2025 deadline. Nominations are automatically renewed to stand for two cycles of the Prize.

Important information about candidate eligibility and the nomination package is detailed in the Nomination Guidelines. Please review these prior to beginning the Nomination Package. Instructions for Returning Nominees can be reviewed here.

Step 1: Intent to Nominate Form

This form will provide you and your nominee's contact information for confidential use by the Dr. Rogers Prize.

Its submission will generate an email to you and the nominee with a unique access code to log in to the Nominations Portal.

Step 2: Nominee Declaration

The Nominee Declaration must be completed, printed and signed to indicate the nominee's agreement to participate in the competition.

It is to be submitted to the Dr. Rogers Prize Program Manager ahead of the competition deadline.

Step 3: The Nomination Form

The Nomination Form collects details about the Nominee's achievements and body of work in relation to the Dr. Rogers Prize criteria and their advancement of health, healing, and medicine.

An Executive Summary (maximum 250 words) and Additional Information (maximum 500 words) are collected for each of the following criteria:

  • Has made an impact on the progress and/or practice of healthcare
  • Has demonstrated a commitment to the practice or research of advancing health, medicine, and healing
  • Has shown vision, leadership and integrity throughout their activities
  • Has acted as a catalyst in advancing health, medicine, and healing
  • Has a history of collaboration across disciplines and healing philosophies
  • Has demonstrated positive influence among their colleagues and those they serve; and
  • Has made significant contributions to the field of healthcare

The form may be completed in sections over a period of time and progress saved. Text may be copied and pasted from other documents into the form.

The Nominee's current CV is uploaded within the Nominations Form, and there is an opportunity to upload supplemental information (a 5 page document and/or short video showcasing the nominee's work) for review by the jury.

Confidential Letters of Support

Three confidential letters of support are required to complete the nomination. These letters must be signed and sent directly from the supporting parties. They may be either mailed or emailed as pdf documents and must be received ahead of the stated deadline.

By mail:

Dr. Rogers Prize Program Manager
c/o Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation
#502-325 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1Z7

By email:


The Dr. Rogers Prize jury would like to emphasize the importance of these letters as they provide an opportunity to describe the nominee and their body of work through the lens of their professional colleagues.

Please indicate who will be sending each letter on the Nomination Form so that the Nomination Checklist can be updated by the Dr. Rogers Prize Program Manager as each letter is received and approved.

Please note that original copies of emailed letters may be requested at a later date and are subject to reference check for authentication.

Begin Your Nomination